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How much do you know about the benefits of Ginkgo leaf extract?


Everyone must know that the effect is very good, so do you know that Ginkgo leaf also has many benefits? Today I will show you the benefits of Ginkgo leaf and Ginkgo leaf extract.

Promote circulation

Ginkgo leaf extract can promote the circulation of the brain and body limbs at the same time. One of the main health functions of Ginkgo leaf extract is to inhibit a substance called platelet activating factor (PAF). PAF is a mediator released from cells that causes platelets to aggregate (stack together). This function may have an adjuvant therapy effect for patients suffering from stroke. 

In addition to inhibiting platelet adhesion, Ginkgo leaf extract regulates blood vessel tension and elasticity. In other words, it can make blood vessel circulation more efficient. The effect of improving circulation efficiency has the same effect on both large blood vessels (arteries) and smaller blood vessels (capillaries) in the circulatory system.


Ginkgo leaf extract may exert antioxidant properties in the brain, eyeball retina and cardiovascular system. Its antioxidant effect in the brain and central nervous system may help prevent the decline of brain function due to age. The antioxidant function of Ginkgo leaf extract in the brain is of particular interest. 

ginkgo leaf extract benefits

The brain and central nervous system are particularly vulnerable to free radical attacks. The brain damage caused by free radicals is widely considered to be a factor that leads to many diseases that accompany aging, including Alzheimer's disease.


Ginkgo leaf extract increases blood flow to the brain and has an excellent nourishing effect on the nervous system. Hundreds of scientific studies involving tens of thousands of patients have confirmed the efficacy of Ginkgo leaf extract against many problems including insufficient blood flow to the brain and mental decline in elderly patients. 

Ginkgo has a good effect on many possible symptoms of aging, such as: anxiety and depression, memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, decreased alertness, decreased intelligence, dizziness, headache, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and degeneration of the macular area (The most common cause of blindness in adults), inner ear disturbance (which can lead to partial hearing loss), impotence caused by poor terminal circulation, and poor blood flow to the penis.

Fight against dementia

Ginkgo is very effective in improving memory and perception functions. Ginkgo is widely used in Europe to treat dementia. Ginkgo is believed to help prevent or treat these brain disorders because it can increase blood flow in the brain and its antioxidant function.

In addition to the above, Ginkgo leaf extract has many other benefits. Great effects of ginkgo biloba leaf extract. If necessary, you can pay attention to Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc., a ginkgo leaf extract exporter, which provides ginkgo leaf extract wholesale ~

Tags: ginkgo leaf extract wholesale, ginkgo leaf extract exporter, great effects of ginkgo biloba leaf extract, ginkgo leaf extract, ginkgo leaf extract benefits

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