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Benefits of high-quality pumpkin seed protein powder


Pumpkin seeds have a good effect on killing parasites in the human body (such as pinworms, hookworms, etc.). It also has a good killing effect on schistosomiasis, and is the first choice for schistosomiasis. American studies have found that consuming a certain amount of pumpkin seeds can be more effective in preventing and treating prostate diseases. 

This is because the hormone secretion function of the prostate depends on fatty acids, and pumpkin seeds are rich in fatty acids, which can keep the prostate functioning well. The active ingredients contained in it can eliminate the swelling in the early stage of prostatitis and also prevent prostate cancer. Pumpkin seeds are rich in pantothenic acid, which can relieve resting angina pectoris and have the effect of lowering blood pressure.

There are many pumpkin seed protein benefits. Pumpkin seed protein is rich in nutrients such as amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and carotene. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds can not only prevent the occurrence of kidney stones, but also promote the excretion of existing stones. More importantly, the active ingredients and rich zinc in pumpkin seeds have health effects on the prostate.

Consistently eating a handful of pumpkin seeds every day can prevent and treat an enlarged prostate. Pumpkin seeds are rich in phosphorus. Phosphorus is also good for men's prostate. Some prostate diseases are caused by phosphorus deficiency.

If you simply eat pumpkin seeds to achieve health benefits, you need to eat a very large amount of melon seeds, which will burden the stomach. It is better to eat some health products and nutritional products such as pumpkin seeds protein powder. Now pumpkin seed protein can be made into tablets and granules. , It is more convenient to eat.

high quality raw material of pumpkin seed protein powder

Pumpkin seed protein is different from ordinary plant protein in that it contains a lot of glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is the first to synthesize glutamine in the human body. Experimental studies have proved that glutamine can increase muscle cell volume, stimulate muscle protein synthesis, improve muscle vitality, and increase muscle growth.

At present, whey protein is mostly used in the market as the raw material of muscle-building powder, but whey protein is animal-derived protein and vegetarians should not eat it, and whey protein contains milk allergens, while pumpkin seed protein is vegetable protein and does not contain any allergens. , People who are prone to allergies can eat with peace of mind.

The high content of protein and dietary fiber, low content of fat and sodium in pumpkin seed protein make it the first choice for those who seek to optimize their bodies and strengthen their physical fitness among many plant-based proteins. For weight loss people who need a low-calorie diet, replacing part of the protein in the diet with pumpkin seed protein not only reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but also achieves a balanced nutritional intake.

Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc. uses high quality raw material of pumpkin seed protein powder to produce a reassuring pumpkin seeds protein powder. If you need it, you can contact us to buy~

Tags: pumpkin seed protein amount, pumpkin seed protein benefits, pumpkin seed protein amino acid, high quality raw material of pumpkin seed protein powder, pumpkin seeds protein powder

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