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Introduction to the relevant knowledge of Dichroa febrifuga


Dichroa febrifuga is also called mutual grass, Hengshan, chicken bone Dichroa febrifuga, yellow Dichroa febrifuga, soil Dichroa febrifuga, big Dichroa febrifuga, white Dichroa febrifuga, Dichroa febrifuga is the root of the saxifrage plant Dichroa febrifuga, Dichroa febrifuga has sputum, cut off The efficacy of malaria, Dichroa febrifuga has the effect of treating malaria, the accumulation of phlegm in the chest, and mainly treats: cutting malaria; digestion; clearing heat and detoxifying;


Dichroa febrifuga is primarily used to treat malaria, although malaria is rare today. However, Dichroa febrifuga is not just a cure for malaria, it has a variety of effects and effects, let's learn about the effects and effects of Dichroa febrifuga.


Dichroa febrifuga is an essential medicine for the treatment of malaria. Animal experiments have shown the following effects:


1. Antimalarial. Dichroa febrifuga has a significant effect on experimental malaria infection. The active ingredient is Dichroa febrifuga base. The potency of Dichroa febrifuga base B and C is about 89 to 152 times that of quinine. In recent years, it has also been proved that Dichroa febrifuga base B has good curative effect on falciparum malaria and vivax malaria during acute attacks, and can quickly control symptoms. The malaria parasite is negatively converted, but cannot be cured. The main side effect is vomiting, which can also be caused by parenteral administration.

 Dichroa febrifuga for sale

2. To induce vomiting. The effect is more powerful, and its principle is mainly to stimulate the reflex caused by the gastrointestinal tract.


3. Antipyretic. Animal experiments have shown that Dichroa febrifuga has an obvious and definite antipyretic effect. This effect may be related to central nervous system depression.


4. Antivirus. In vitro experiments have shown that Dichroa febrifuga has an inhibitory effect on influenza A virus PR8, and also has an effect on influenza-infected mice.


5. Anti-ameba. In vitro and animal experiments and treatments have all proved that it has a certain inhibitory effect on amoeba.


6. Other functions. Exercise experiments have shown that intravenous injection of Dichroa febrifuga bases A, B, and C into anesthetized dogs can cause a drop in blood pressure; it has an excitatory effect on the pregnant uterus, and in vitro tests have a certain killing effect on Ehrlich ascites cancer cells.

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