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Flaxseed Extract(Lignans) and benefits,side effect, uses,dosage,Phytoestrogen

Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which are similar to the hormone estrogen. These phytoestrogens are lignans. Flaxseed lignans have been studied with much enthusiasm for having many potential health benefits. Among them, and one of the most widely studied, include its anti-tumor effects. Flaxseed is the richest plant source of lignan precursors (otherwise known as Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside or SDG).

Product details

Flaxseed flowerFlaxseed

What you may get from us: If you're developing a product that contains plant active ingredients from Flaxseed cake.I think you can find the information or products you need here.

Simple production process in our factory: After the plant is collected, raw material will be processed by solvent extraction, separation and purification, filtration, concentration, drying and other steps to form the final products. We may also design a prouction process based on your special requirements.

Through the physical and chemical processes, those compunds you don't want was removed, and the compunds preferred was accumulated. Which make the products achieve the best effects.

How to use Flaxseed Extract powder:What you need is just use our products to formulate your products. It can be mixed with your other ingredients directly to make premix products. It can also be directly used for filling capsules or making tablets. And if your dosage form is tincture or solution, It can also be suitable. Easy to say, our products are ready for Formula products.

General Information

Common Names of raw material: Flaxseed,linseed, Flax seed

Latin Names: Linum usitatissimum L.

Plant Description:

Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is a herbaceous annual. When densely planted for fibre, plants average 0.9 to 1.2 metres (3 to 4 feet) in height, with slender stalks 2.5 to 4 mm (about 0.10 to 0.15 inch) in diameter and with branches concentrated at the top. Plants cultivated for seed are shorter and many-branched. The leaves, alternating on the stalk, are small and lance-shaped. The flowers, borne on stems growing from the branch tips, have five petals, usually blue in colour but sometimes white or pink. The fruits are small dry capsules composed of five lobes. The small, oval-shaped seeds of the flax plant contain oil (sometimes called linseed oil).

Constituents of Flaxseed Extract.

Flax seeds contain phytoestrogens, which are similar to the hormone estrogen. These phytoestrogens are lignans. Flaxseed lignans have been studied with much enthusiasm for having many potential health benefits. Among them, and one of the most widely studied, include its anti-tumor effects.  Flaxseed is the richest plant source of lignan precursors (otherwise known as Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside or SDG).

Constituents of Flaxseed Extract

      Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside or SDG

Molecular formula


Molar mass


Properties of Flaxseed Lignans

Flaxseed is sometimes tried for cancer because it is broken down by the body into chemicals called "lignans". Lignans are similar to the female hormone estrogen - so similar, in fact, that they compete with estrogen for a part in certain chemical reactions. As a result, natural estrogens seem to become less powerful in the body. Some researchers believe that lignans may be able to slow down the progress of certain breast cancers and other types of cancers that need estrogen to thrive.

Health Benefits of Flaxseed Extract

Flaxseed Lignans and Skin cancer

Animal studies suggest that lignans from flaxseed may also offer some protection against skin cancer including, possibly, the prevention of metastatic spread of melanoma from the skin to the lungs.

Flaxseed Lignans and menopausal syndrome

Nearly when all the women are in the menoparsal life, there will be some menopausal syndromes of different degrees.in the western countries it is especially serious, and the risk of each hormone –associated cancer (osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and so on ) increases significantly. In the 1990s,the USA Physician college suggests the menopausal women adopt HRT. Some studies suggest that long term use of HRT has certain protective benefits, but the risk of the breast cancer icreasea as the adverse effects. Therefore,pople turn to the phytoestrogen which naturally exists in plants.

Flaxseed Lignans and breast cancer

The study of animal breast cancer –the pure SDG can minish the  tumor and reduce the breast cancer cells.

The study of human breat cancer –lignans can inhibit the aynthesis of the ovarian estrogen by the comprehensive effects of three estradiol synthesis enzymes (3β-hydroxide sterois dehydrogenase, aroma enzyme, 17β-hydroxide ateroid 1 oxido-reductase )and reduce the risk of breast cancer

The lignans excretion of the women with breat cancer is lower , urinary enterolactone excretion is lower than 1.5umo124h,have higher risk of breast cancer, people with higher intake of plant .

Flaxseed Lignans have lower risk of breast cancer.

Women with newly diagnosed breast cancer ate 2.5tablespoons of flaxseed fer(a breat cancer drug)and no significant aide effects were reported.therefore lignans have proteive effect were reported therefore lignans have protective effect for the breast cancer

Lignans and prostate cancer

Studies of epidemiology find that prostate cancer is the most popular hormone-associted cancer of the western men .in Asia,especially in the Far-east, people with higher intake of soy such cancer is seldom. The studies find that the enterolactone of lignans can reduce the prostate specific antibody

Levels between the prostate cancer cells. Enterolactone of lignans has inhibit effects for both the5a-diyhrotestosterone,and reduce (SDG),plays an important role in cardiovascular helth .research found that people taking flaxseed daily reduced total and bad (LDL)cholesterol levels because whole flaxseed contains several heart healthy components like fatty acids, fiber and lignans.studies suggest that the heart benefits of SDG may be due to its antioxidant activity and lipid lowering effect.

Precautions or side effect:

There are not sufficient studies on the effects of Flaxseed Extract lignans on pregnant or lactating women; therefore it is advisable for women who are pregnant, breast feeding, or who are trying to get pregnant to avoid them or consult their doctor before taking them.


50-400 mg  of a flaxseed lignan extract are recommended for daily dosage.

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