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The efficacy and application of arbutin


Arbutin, also known as arbutin, is white needle-like crystals or powder. The leaves extracted from bearberry can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the body and prevent the production of melanin, thereby reducing skin pigmentation, removing stains and freckles, and also having sterilization and anti-inflammatory effects. Mainly used in the preparation of high-end cosmetics.

Arbutin, mainly extracted from the leaves of bearberry, some fruits and other plants can also be found in the presence of arbutin, it has the effect of brightening the skin, can quickly penetrate into the skin without affecting the skin cells, and cause melanin to produce tyrosine Combined, it can effectively block the activity of tyrosine and the production of melanin, and accelerate the decomposition and elimination of melanin. In addition, arbutin can protect the skin from free radicals and has good hydrophilicity. Therefore, it is often added to commercially available whitening products, and is especially popular in Asian countries.

Many skin care products with alpha arbutin claim that it has a whitening effect that is ten times higher than that of traditional arbutin, but the actual effect has not been confirmed by clear data and experimental reports, but the whitening effect is still positive. To purchase high-quality arbutin, you can choose Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc.
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