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The physiological functions of sialic acid

Source:Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc.│DateTime:2021-01-04

Sialic acid can improve infants' intelligence and memory, resist Alzheimer's disease, resist recognition, improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestine, antibacterial detoxification and antiviral. Next, Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc. will introduce its functions in detail!

1. Improve infant intelligence and memory

Sialic acid is an important component of brain gangliosides. The content of sialic acid in nerve cell membrane is 20 times that of other cells. Because brain information transmission and nerve impulse transmission must be realized through synapses, and sialic acid is a brain nutrient that acts on brain cell membranes and synapses, sialic acid can promote the development of memory and intelligence.

2. Anti-Alzheimer's Disease

Sialic acid has protective and stabilizing effects on nerve cells. The protease located on the surface of nerve cell membrane can not be degraded by extracellular protease after binding to sialic acid. The content of sialic acid in the brain is very high, and the large amount of sialic acid in the brain is related to the growth and elongation of nerve cells. Some neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia, have decreased levels of sialic acid in the blood or brain. After drug treatment, its sialic acid content returned to normal, indicating that sialic acid is involved in neural activity.

N-Acetylneuraminic acid

3. Anti-recognition and improve intestinal absorption of vitamins and minerals

The sialic acid connected to the end of the glycoconjugate through the glycosidic bond can effectively prevent some important antigenic sites and recognition labels on the cell surface, thereby protecting these glycoconjugates from being recognized and degraded by the surrounding immune system. Sialic acid has a very strong negative charge, usually located at the end of the glycoprotein or glycolipid on the cell membrane surface, and is the main source of negative charge on the cell membrane. The negative charge of sialic acid makes red blood cells and other cells repel each other, avoiding meaningless cell interactions in blood circulation. Sialic acid can increase the intestinal absorption capacity of minerals and vitamins. Supplementing sialic acid can enhance the body's absorption of nutrients.

4. Antibacterial detoxification, antiviral and anti-inflammatory

Due to the special structure of the 9-carbon amino sugar of the sialic acid molecule, there is no enzyme in the digestive tract to degrade this substance. Therefore, the formed polypeptide conjugates will not be degraded by enzymes in the digestive tract when they pass through the digestive system, and then enter the intestine. In the intestinal tract, specific sialic acid polypeptide conjugates can competitively bind to pathogenic bacteria, toxins and virus particles entering the intestine, thereby preventing intestinal toxins, pathogenic bacteria and virus particles from binding to intestinal mucosal cells.


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