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Functions and effects of hawthorn leaf extract

Source:Nutra-Herb Ingredient Inc.│DateTime:2020-12-30

Hawthorn leaves are the leaves of the Rosaceae plants such as Shanlihong or Wild Hawthorn. In recent years, this name has gradually entered people's field of vision. Because of its health preservation effect, people like to make tea.

Hawthorn leaves are leaves of rosaceae plants such as hawthorn or wild hawthorn. Many people love the sweet and sour taste of hawthorn. It is a snack for digestion. Hawthorn fruit is rich in maslinic acid, citric acid and sugars. It also contains vitamin B2, vitamin B12, vitamin C, protein, phosphorus, iron, calcium and many other beneficial nutrients to the human body. Making tea with hawthorn leaves can not only digest and lose weight, but also keep fit. It is often suitable as a health food for the elderly.

Hawthorn leaves have the functions of dissipating food and removing accumulation, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and blood lipids. It can also remove fat and promote gastrointestinal digestion. In addition, it can improve human immunity and strengthen physical fitness. Drinking hawthorn leaf tea will have certain anti-aging, beauty and anti-cancer effects. Long-term consumption of hawthorn leaf tea can help you lose weight, especially if you eat too much meat and feel greasy after a meal. Finally, make a cup to help digestion. But if the stomach is not good, drink it carefully.

 Hawthorn leaf extract

Although hawthorn leaf is a simple and common medicinal material, and the price goes the civilian route. The cost of a drink is very low, but its health benefits cannot be ignored.

1. Hawthorn leaves can prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases, expand blood vessels, improve heart vitality, excite the central nervous system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and have diuretic and sedative effects.

2. Hawthorn folic acid has a heart-strengthening effect, and has a medicinal effect on senile heart disease.

3. Hawthorn leaves can appetite and digest food. After a rich meal, you can drink hawthorn leaf tea to relieve greasiness.

4. Hawthorn leaves have the effect of invigorating blood circulation and resolving stasis, helping to relieve local congestion and have auxiliary effects on traumatic injuries.

5. Hawthorn leaves have a contraction effect on the uterus, it has the effect of inducing birth when pregnant women are in labor, and can promote the recovery of the uterus after delivery.

6. Enhance immunity, anti-aging and anti-cancer.

7. Hawthorn leaves have ingredients for relieving asthma, reducing phlegm, inhibiting bacteria, and curing abdominal pain and diarrhea.


Tag:Hawthorn leaf extract,hawthorn folic acid,citric acid

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